Currently, hanging at the Belconnen Art Centre are portraits created by two of our really lovely Lavender Art Studios young art students; both art students are also Assistant Art Teachers in the young people's regular term art class program. The exhibition celebrates the coming together of teenage artists and people of Centenarian; whereby, the teenage artist has created a portrait of the Centenarian. During the course of the creative process, the Centenarian sitter has the opportunity to share stories of life experience. Both young artist and sitter endeavour to learn about different aspects of each other’s lives and together share a positive experience; the outcome of this coming together, is then conveyed through the artistic medium of portraiture.
Breaking down ageism and bringing both the past and present experientially; Caitlin and Nick have expressed that it has been a very rewarding personal growth and artistic undertaking. Also, to have had an opportunity to bring forward their portrait drawing/painting abilities and creativity has been really uplifting and encouraging for future projects and artistic pursuits.
Caitlin Allen who joined the art classes in July 2013, painted Jean Owens. Nick Mesics who began the art class program in February 2014, painted Malcolm Whyte. Both students have had various media coverage regarding their participation in the 100 Canberra The National Exhibition; and very much enjoyed meeting the Centenarians’ and other teenage artists; including, of course; the creative process of working with faces of wisdom and community importance.
At Lavender Art Studios, we are all very proud of both Cait and Nick who are both dedicated art students and assistant teachers to the other young and aspiring art students at Lavender Art Studios.
The exhibition remains open until 2nd of July 2023.
Congratulations to all those involved in the important community portrait project.
