Extensive General Overview & Notes
From The Pantry - Week 1: of 2021 Lockdown
We are working with the complementary lesson 11 from last year’s online program; as not all art students submitted work from the topic. Also this subject is a gentle way to move into working online. Remember ‘practice makes progress’ and often in the studio we re-introduce themes, so that students can accomplish in different mediums which is particularly developmentally artistically helpful and progressive.
Therefore; if you have worked with this theme in charcoal and have moved into pastels; please render in pastel. If you have previously worked in pastel, please work in oils or charcoal.
If you did this online workshop last year; please use different objects from your pantry and also set up in a different configuration/position. Also place yourself in a different position to last time.
Arrange the still life so that in your imagination you can pass between the objects to the back of the picture. This approach will relax the mind of the viewer.
Start in the top of the picture which is at the top of the objects. Work from the furthest objects to the closest. Remember to overlap the different shapes and sizes to create an interesting composition and perspective. Vanishing points will not be explored in this theme.
As the objects placed overlapping move towards the viewer try not to place them directly in front of each other. Move the objects slightly to the left or right to have it still overlapping, but not creating visual confusion. Use your artistic license to iron out these issues with your arrangement.
Some objects will be elliptical so again practice your ellipses as you did in your visual diary or Kraft pad. Also, pay close attention to any mention of elliptical work made in these videos.
Draw in your shapes very softly at first and once you are happy with your shapes you can increase the shading, contrast and tonal values to gradually build up the picture.
Much of this pantry them is all about parallel lines in vertical, horizontal and diagonal directions. Pay close attention to the demonstration videos regarding the issues around parallel lines.
Remember to look at the theme more than your picture. Glancing at it frequently which will connect you to both in a more beneficial way.
© Lavender Art Studios